Originally Posted by
...so I take some medicine and smoke a bowl. Smoking helps calm your stomach, they give it to cancer patients who are going through kemo, etc...
HAHA! Trying to cop that he only smokes pot when he is "sick" like a "cancer patient". rofl. Hey buddy, is your bong "medical" too? At least be a man bout it, I smoke pot whenever the fuck I want without any excuses.
Originally Posted by
...So now I'm thinking her friends tried to tool me through her, or she used her friends as emotional support to try to tool me, or...
Originally Posted by
...She left about ten minutes later and we had an awkward goodbye. I sent her a text about twenty minutes later saying that I wouldn't see her anymore if I couldn't trust her. She sent me back something asking me what I was talking about. I didn't answer so she started calling me, but I kept hanging it up and letting it go to voice mail. She's been calling me all morning but I don't want to hear from her unless she tells me the truth...
So, that dude didn't confront her right then and there? Come on guy!! Tell her to her face right then and there that she needs to leave permanently right now if she can't return what she stole. Don't fucking wait till she leaves...send an ambiguous text message....hang up whenever she calls without saying a word... COULD YOU BE ANY MORE OF A PASSIVE, NON-CONFRONTATIONAL BITCH? "I don't want to hear from her unless she can read my mind and knows what I'm thinking" is what he really meant to say. What don't people get about communicating what is on their mind? STOP SELF CENSORING, JUST SAY IT FAGGOT.
Unreal to say the least...I hope he's only 18 years old or else that little self described story really shows a deep lack of maturity.